Karen PETERSON-IYER. Reenvisioning Sexual Ethics: A Feminist Christian Account.  Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2022. Pp.169. $49.95 pb, $149.95 hc, or $49.95 eBook. ISBN pb 9781647122287. Reviewed by Randall WOODARD, Saint Leo University.


Karen Peterson-Iyer's book is a thought-provoking exploration into the intersection of religion, culture, and contemporary sexual ethics from a feminist perspective. Peterson-Iyer, drawing from her extensive background in theology and ethics, presents a perspective that challenges traditional views on sexuality while proposing a compassionate and inclusive framework for understanding sexuality. The book is ecumenical in nature and would be of interest to scholars interested in marriage, sexuality, cultural changes, and ethics from any denomination as the author is not focused on one specific Christian lens.

The book is structured into three main parts: historical perspectives on sexual ethics, contemporary challenges, and a proposed reenvisioned framework. Peterson-Iyer begins by tracing the evolution of sexual ethics across various denominational and cultural traditions. She adeptly navigates through the complexities of how these traditions have shaped societal norms and individual beliefs regarding sexuality, highlighting both the progressive strides and the persistent challenges that frustrate the trajectory of feminist thought. Additionally, the text addresses specific current issues including the college hookup culture, teen issues related to sexting, the commercialization of sex, and trafficking. Each chapter offers a thought-provoking analysis using a feminist lens and a wide variety of research including interdisciplinary perspectives to ground the proposals in experience and sociological data.

One of the strengths of Peterson-Iyer's work lies in her ability to challenge a variety of traditional beliefs across Christian denominations and tie in a variety of voices in the critique / path forward. She acknowledges the deep-rooted cultural and religious beliefs that often underpin sexual ethics while questioning their relevance in a modern, diverse society. By weaving together theological insights with sociological and psychological perspectives, she offers a comprehensive analysis that appeals to both scholars and general readers interested in the evolving discourse on sexuality.

Central to Peterson-Iyer's argument is the call for a more inclusive sexual ethic that embraces diversity and rejects the binary thinking that has historically dominated discussions on sexuality within and outside of Christian thought. She advocates for a framework that respects individual autonomy and agency while promoting justice and equality. Her proposals are not merely theoretical but are grounded in real-world examples and case studies, demonstrating their practical applicability. Additionally, Peterson-Iyer engages with contemporary issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive questions, and the #MeToo movement, illustrating how these developments are reshaping the landscape of sexual ethics. She challenges readers to confront their own biases and assumptions, encouraging a dialogue that is both introspective and forward-thinking.

Critically, while Peterson-Iyer's arguments are compelling, some readers may find her proposals ambitious and potentially contentious within more conservative religious circles. In other words, one’s already existing perspective on sexual ethics will likely determine one’s appreciation (or not) for the text. One area that may have been improved is the respect for diverse ideas and a nuanced evaluation for those traditional concepts being critiqued. However, her approach is aimed at fostering dialogue rather than more division in the culture war climate. In terms of writing style, Peterson-Iyer is clear and articulate, making complex ideas accessible without oversimplifying. Her use of case studies and personal narratives enriches the text, providing concrete examples that resonate with readers and provide clarity.

Overall, "Reenvisioning Sexual Ethics" is a timely and important contribution to the field of ethics and theology. It challenges readers to reconsider long-held beliefs about sexuality and morality while advocating for a more compassionate and inclusive approach. Whether you are a scholar, a practitioner, or simply someone interested in the evolving discourse on sexuality, Peterson-Iyer's book offers valuable insights and a framework for meaningful engagement on contemporary questions and feminist thought. This book is recommended for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of sexual ethics in a contemporary context and explore alternative perspectives that prioritize human dignity and justice. Karen Peterson-Iyer's work is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary dialogue in shaping a more equitable and compassionate world.